Sensory Triggers[edit]
Learn about your sensory triggers, and find ways to avoid setting them off. This may involve controlling the lighting and noise level in your environment, or using sunglasses and earplugs.
Stress management is crucial. Mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy, and comfort items may all be helpful.
Taxing Cognitive Activities[edit]
Certain types of thinking or concentration may not come easily to you. These might include having to "think on your feet", or come up with answers quickly, and having to concentrate for prolonged periods without breaks.
Suppressing/Forcing Behavior[edit]
Certain behaviors that are natural and necessary for autistic people are frowned upon by society, while other behaviors that are stressful for autistic people are considered mandatory by society. Examples are stimming activities that are considered "strange" or disruptive, or the expectation to make regular eye contact.
Being able to act in a natural and comfortable manner is very valuable.
Exceeding Your Limits[edit]
Understand what tasks you cannot handle on your own, and ask for help with them. Learn to say "no" to obligations that you cannot handle. Pace yourself so that you do not have too much work on any single day.